====== Denmark Research Efforts ====== ===== Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copehagen and Aalborg University, Aalborg ===== ### See selected papers and websites below to find out what research efforts have been taking place in Denmark. ### \\ ===== Selected Papers ===== {{:denmark:2009royal_danish_academy_workshop.pdf|Learning by doing -Beton as an architectonic material - Workshop at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture - February 9-13 2009}}\\ {{:denmark:fabric_formed_concrete_chairs.pdf|Ambiguous Chairs Cast In Fabric Formed Concrete}}\\ {{:denmark:flexible_mould_for_precast_concrete_elements.pdf|Flexible Mould for Precast Concrete Elements}} ===== External Links ===== [[http://concretely.blogspot.com/|CONCRETELY - Anne-Mette Manelius Blog]]\\ [[http://fabricformwork.wordpress.com/|Fabric Formwork - PhD candidate Diederik Veenendaal website]]\\ [[http://www.karch.dk/cinark/Menu/CINARK+in+English|Centre for Industrialized Architecture, CINARK]]