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editorial_tools [2023/10/16 14:19] – [Editorial Tools] rpschmitzeditorial_tools [2023/10/28 14:17] (current) – [Editorial Tools] rpschmitz
Line 1: Line 1:
 +<fs x-large>**New Page Template**</fs>
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +<fs x-large>**See Also**</fs>
 +<fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs>
 +<fs x-large>**References**</fs>
 +<fs medium>[1] //Place text here.//\\ 
 +[2] //Place text here.//</fs>
 +<fs x-large>**External Links**</fs>
 +<fs medium>[[http://www.place.com/|Some Place]]</fs>
 ====== Editorial Tools ====== ====== Editorial Tools ======
 {{:toolbar.jpg|TOOLBAR}} {{:toolbar.jpg|TOOLBAR}}
Line 17: Line 46:
     * <fs medium>Insert 3 Columns</fs>\\      * <fs medium>Insert 3 Columns</fs>\\ 
     * <fs medium>Insert 4 Columns</fs>\\      * <fs medium>Insert 4 Columns</fs>\\ 
-    * <fs medium>Embed Flash File (replace file name as required)</fs>\\  
     * <fs medium>Display A Gallery (replace namespace gallery as required)</fs>\\      * <fs medium>Display A Gallery (replace namespace gallery as required)</fs>\\ 
   * <fs medium>**DW2pdf** - allows a page to be printed to a PDF document.  Also works with **ebook**.</fs>\\    * <fs medium>**DW2pdf** - allows a page to be printed to a PDF document.  Also works with **ebook**.</fs>\\ 
-  * <fs medium>**Flash** - allows a Flash SWF file to be embeded into the document.</fs>\\  
   * <fs medium>**Font Color** - change font color.  (Button in editing toolbar.)</fs>\\    * <fs medium>**Font Color** - change font color.  (Button in editing toolbar.)</fs>\\ 
   * <fs medium>**Font Size** - change font size.  (Button in editing toolbar.)</fs>\\    * <fs medium>**Font Size** - change font size.  (Button in editing toolbar.)</fs>\\ 
   * <fs medium>**Gallery** - create a photo gallery from image files stored in the selected //**namespace**//.</fs>\\   * <fs medium>**Gallery** - create a photo gallery from image files stored in the selected //**namespace**//.</fs>\\
-  * <fs medium>**Notice Board** - a calendar that allows users to insert events(NOT INSTALLED, PHP ERROR)</fs>\\ +  * <fs medium>**Video Share** - The Video Share Plugin is embedded using the video share parameters.</fs>\\ 
 ### ###
 <fs medium>Additional editing information may be found on DokuWiki [[wiki:syntax|syntax]] page and in the DokuWiki [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|manual]]  (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs> <fs medium>Additional editing information may be found on DokuWiki [[wiki:syntax|syntax]] page and in the DokuWiki [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|manual]]  (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs>
 ### ###
 ===== Columns Plugin Example ===== ===== Columns Plugin Example =====
Line 39: Line 66:
 ==== COLUMN 1 ==== ==== COLUMN 1 ====
-<align center>information in column 1 (50% of page width)</align>+;#; 
 +information in column 1 (50% of page width) 
 <newcolumn> <newcolumn>
Line 45: Line 75:
 ==== COLUMN 2 ==== ==== COLUMN 2 ====
-<align center>information in column 2 (25% of page width)</align>+;#; 
 +information in column 2 (25% of page width) 
 <newcolumn> <newcolumn>
 ==== COLUMN 3 ==== ==== COLUMN 3 ====
-<align center>information in column 3 (remainder of page width)</align>+;#; 
 +information in column 3 (remainder of page width) 
 </columns> </columns>
Line 61: Line 96:
 ==== COLUMN 1 ==== ==== COLUMN 1 ====
-<align center>information in column 1 (50% of page width)</align>+;#; 
 +information in column 1 (50% of page width) 
 <newcolumn> <newcolumn>
Line 67: Line 105:
 ==== COLUMN 2 ==== ==== COLUMN 2 ====
-<align center>information in column 2 (25% of page width)</align>+;#; 
 +information in column 2 (25% of page width) 
 <newcolumn> <newcolumn>
Line 73: Line 114:
 ==== COLUMN 3 ==== ==== COLUMN 3 ====
-<align center>information in column 3 (remainder of page width)</align>+;#; 
 +information in column 3 (remainder of page width) 
 </columns> </columns>
 </code> </code>
 ~~UP~~ ~~UP~~
-===== Flash Plugin Example=====+===== Video Share Plugin Example=====
-<align justify><fs medium>The flash is embedded using the flash tags.  The file to embed, the dimension of the flash object and the alignment is has to be given space separated in the opening tag. Name-Value pairs for the parameters are then given in the body.  Supported alignments are left, center and default. The provided SWF can either be a remote URL or a locally uploaded SWF file. Below is an example using a YouTube Video.</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>The Video Share Plugin is embedded using the video share parameters.  The file to embed, the dimension of the flash object and the alignment has to be given space separated in the opening tag. Name-Value pairs for the parameters are then given in the body.  Supported alignments are left, center and default. Below is an example using a YouTube Video.  **HIT WEBPAGE BACK ARROW TO RETURN TO THIS PAGE.**</fs> 
 +{{https://www.youtube.com/v/-dnL00TdmLY?small | WIKIS in Plain English}}
-<flash left 450x350 http://www.youtube.com/v/-dnL00TdmLY> 
-hl en_US 
-fs 1 
-allowFullScreen   true 
-allowscriptaccess always 
 \\  \\ 
 \\  \\ 
-<fs medium>Syntax for the above example is as follows:</fs>+<fs medium>Usage/Syntax for the above example is as follows: 
 +The basic syntax looks like this: **START WITH 2 {** videosite>videoid?parameter1&parameter2|title **AND END WITH 2 }**   [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:vshare|Video Share Plugin]] (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs>
-<code> +  * Where videosite is one of the identifiers listed in Supported Services chapter 
-<flash left 450x350 http://www.youtube.com/v/-dnL00TdmLY> +  * and videoid is the identifier of the video at the respective site 
-hl en_US +  * The parameters are optionalYou start these with a ? and separate more of them by a &Look in Parameters chapter 
-fs 1 +  * The title is optional as well. Look in Examples chapter 
-allowFullScreen   true +  * The video can be aligned by adding spaces on the left or right inside the curly brackets (like in the image syntax). Look in Examples chapter
-allowscriptaccess always +
-</flash> +
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 ===== Gallery Plugin ===== ===== Gallery Plugin =====
Line 138: Line 163:
 <fs large>**Parameters**</fs> <fs large>**Parameters**</fs>
-<align justify><fs medium>A number of parameters can be set by appending them with **?** character to the namespace or image. Each parameter needs to be separated with a **&** character. Defaults for all parameters can be set in the config manager. If a parameter is enabled by default it can be disabled in the syntax by prefixing it with the syllable no. e.g. the parameter **cache** is usually enabled and can be disabled using the keyword **nocache**. Below is a list of all recognized parameters.</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>A number of parameters can be set by appending them with **?** character to the namespace or image. Each parameter needs to be separated with a **&** character. Defaults for all parameters can be set in the config manager. If a parameter is enabled by default it can be disabled in the syntax by prefixing it with the syllable no. e.g. the parameter **cache** is usually enabled and can be disabled using the keyword **nocache**. Below is a list of all recognized parameters.</fs> 
Line 170: Line 197:
 <fs large>**Lightbox Mode**</fs> <fs large>**Lightbox Mode**</fs>
-<align justify><fs medium>This mode will open the clicked picture inside the current browser window without leaving the current page((This feature is based on the [[http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/|Lightbox]] and [[http://serennz.cool.ne.jp/sb/sp/lightbox/|Lightbox Plus]] scripts with some additions)). You can close the picture view by clicking the little X in the upper right corner or anywhere in the picture. You can move to the next or previous image by using the arrow buttons in the lower corners.</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>This mode will open the clicked picture inside the current browser window without leaving the current page((This feature is based on the [[http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/|Lightbox]] and [[http://serennz.cool.ne.jp/sb/sp/lightbox/|Lightbox Plus]] scripts with some additions)). You can close the picture view by clicking the little X in the upper right corner or anywhere in the picture. You can move to the next or previous image by using the arrow buttons in the lower corners.</fs> 
 <fs medium>The picture is downsized if necessary to fit into the current browser window. You can enlarge it with the arrow button in the top corner.</fs>\\  <fs medium>The picture is downsized if necessary to fit into the current browser window. You can enlarge it with the arrow button in the top corner.</fs>\\ 
Line 182: Line 212:
-<align justify><fs medium>See [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:gallery|Gallery]] for additional syntax, parameter, limitations and caveats.  (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>See [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:gallery|Gallery]] for additional syntax, parameter, limitations and caveats.  (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs> 
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