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fabwiki:conferences:icff2008 [2013/05/01 20:46] – Approved rpschmitzfabwiki:conferences:icff2008 [2023/10/19 15:59] (current) – [Conference Presentations] rpschmitz
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 +**<fs large>[[fabwiki:conferences|BACK CONFERENCES]]</fs>**
 +====== 1st International Conference on Flexible Formwork (2008 icff) ======
 +<fs large>This conference was held at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.</fs>
 +===== Conference Photos =====
 +<fs medium>Click on photo for more detailed view.</fs>\\
 +{{gallery> :conferences:2008icff?150x150&5&showtitle&lightbox }}
 +<fs small>Photo credits: Photos by RPS. </fs>
 +===== Conference Presentations =====
 +<fs medium>Videos of presentations recorded at this conference are no longer available due to the host, Mark West's departure.  There still is some interesting work being done at this university. 
 + See link below.</fs>
 +===== External Links =====
 +<fs medium>[[http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building|C.A.S.T. Building]]</fs>\\
 +<fs medium>[[http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building/conference/index.html|C.A.S.T. HOSTS THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FABRIC FORMWORK]]</fs>
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