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fabwiki:conferences:icff2008 [2018/05/08 18:23] – external edit [2023/10/19 15:59] (current) – [Conference Presentations] rpschmitz
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 ===== Conference Presentations ===== ===== Conference Presentations =====
-<align justify><fs medium>Videos of presentations recorded at this conference may be viewed in the window below.</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>Videos of presentations recorded at this conference are no longer available due to the host, Mark West's departure.  There still is some interesting work being done at this university.  
 + See link below.</fs> 
-<align center>{{url>http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building/conference/index.html [1250px,800px] Conference presentations}}</align> 
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