FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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fabwiki:conferences:icff2012 [2013/05/01 21:30] – [Conference Papers] rpschmitzfabwiki:conferences:icff2012 [2023/10/19 16:24] (current) rpschmitz
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 +**<fs large>[[fabwiki:conferences|BACK CONFERENCES]]</fs>**\\
 +<fs x-large>**2nd International Conference on Flexible Formwork (2012 icff)**</fs>
 +<fs medium>This conference was held at the University of Bath, England. </fs>
 +===== Conference Photos =====
 +<fs medium>Click on photo for more detailed view.</fs>\\
 +{{gallery> :conferences:2012icff:workshop1?150x150&6&showtitle&lightbox }}
 +<fs small>Photo credits Workshop 1: Photos by RPS.</fs>\\
 +{{gallery> :conferences:2012icff:workshop2?150x150&6&showtitle&lightbox }}
 +<align justify><fs medium>Workshop 2 involved the simulation of a fabric-formed concrete column. In lieu of concrete the fabric column was filled with a plastic bladder containing water.  Mark West (the one with the knife) is shown cutting fabric in orthogonal directions demonstrating its circumferential tensile strength.</fs></align>
 +<fs medium>* How many architects and engineers does it take to fix a bladder problem?</fs>\\
 +<fs medium>**Bladder problem.</fs>\\
 +<fs small>Photo credits Workshop 2: Photos by RPS.</fs>
 +===== Conference Proceedings =====
 +<fs medium>Proceedings of the conference may be viewed here: [[https://purehost.bath.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/148872783/Full_Proceedings_Email.pdf|icff2012 Proceedings]]. (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs>
 +===== External Links =====
 +<fs medium>[[http://people.bath.ac.uk/jjo20/icff/ICFF2012/Homepage.html|HOME PAGE 2012 ICFF]]</fs>\\
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