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fabwiki:conferences:membranes [2013/05/02 10:48] – rpschmitz | fabwiki:conferences:membranes [2023/10/19 16:07] (current) – [External Links] rpschmitz |
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| ====== Structural Membranes 2011 ====== |
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| <fs medium>This **V International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures** conference was held at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Barcelona, Spain. The conference featured an invited session organized by Arno Pronk, //Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands//, entitled **Membrane Mould**. Seven papers dealing with fabric forming were presented at this session.</fs> |
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| ===== Conference Photos ===== |
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| <fs medium>Click on photo for more detailed view.</fs>\\ |
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| {{gallery> :conferences:2011membranes?150x150&6&showtitle&lightbox }} |
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| <fs small>Photo credits: Photos by RPS. </fs> |
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| ===== Conference Proceedings ===== |
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| <fs medium>Proceedings of this conference may be viewed in the window below. (Needs updating.)</fs> |
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| ===== External Links ===== |
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| <fs medium>Add external links here.</fs> |
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