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fabwiki:formwork_guide:using_forms [2011/05/29 16:14] – created rpschmitzfabwiki:formwork_guide:using_forms [2018/05/08 18:23] (current) – external edit
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 +**<fs large>[[fabwiki:formwork_guide|BACK TO MAIN TOC]]</fs>**
 +====== Using the Forms ======
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Placing reinforcement and inserts ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Preparation for concreting ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Inspection and form watching ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Placing and vibrating-effect on formwork ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Removal of forms and shores ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Reshoring ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Care and storage of forms and accessories ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +==== Cold weather protection ====
 +<fs medium>//Place text and photos here.//</fs>
 +===== See Also =====
 +<fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs>
 +===== References =====
 +<fs medium>[1] //Place text here.//\\ 
 +[2] //Place text here.//</fs>
 +===== External Links =====
 +<fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs>
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