FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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fabwiki:formwork_guide [2011/05/31 16:26] rpschmitzfabwiki:formwork_guide [2023/10/17 12:10] (current) – [A Guide to Fabric-Formed Concrete] rpschmitz
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 +====== A Guide to Fabric-Formed Concrete ======
 +<fs medium>//Editor's Note//: With this Guide to Fabric-Formed Concrete it is hoped that existing and new techniques that may come along can be documented here for the benefit of others who wish to use this truly unique method of forming concrete for their projects.  The Table of Contents shown below contain topics similar to ACI's SP-4 //Formwork for Concrete// as it is assumed there will be many similar considerations for Fabric-Formed Concrete as well.  Topics that may not be applicable can be marked with a question mark, "?" Pages have been created for each <color #00a2e8>**CHAPTER**</color> of this document and may accessed by clicking on the hyper-link, <color #00a2e8>**blue text**</color> Headlines have also been created for each chapter topic.   Within these headline topics content may be added by selecting the "<color #00a2e8>**edit**</color>" link on the right-hand margin.  Or, by selecting the "edit tab" at the top of the page, the entire page may be worked on.  Where appropriate hyper-links may be added to connect topics on different pages (Chapters).  Just use the Internal Link button in the Editorial Toolbar when in edit mode.  This is an evolving work where topics and pages can be added or deleted as required.  //You must be registered and logged in to add or edit content.//</fs>
 +<columns 100% 33.333% 33.333% - >
 +==== TABLE ====
 +General Objectives in Fabric-formed Building\\
 +How fabric formwork affects concrete quality\\
 +Causes of failures\\
 +Planning for Safety\\
 +Relationship of architect, engineer and contractor\\
 +Measurement and payment for formwork\\
 +How the architect-engineer can reduce form costs\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:overall_planning|OVERALL PLANNING]]\\
 +Development of a basic system\\
 +Key areas of cost reduction\\
 +Planning for maximum reuse\\
 +Economical form construction\\
 +Setting and stripping\\
 +Other costs affected by formwork plan\\
 +Planning examples\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:materials_accessories|MATERIALS, ACCESSORIES, PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS]]\\
 +Engineered wood products\\
 +Other framing and facing materials\\
 +Insulation and insulating forms\\
 +Hardware and fasteners\\
 +Prefabricated forms\\
 +Shoring and scaffolding\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:loads_pressures|LOADS AND PRESSURES]]\\
 +Vertical loads\\
 +Lateral pressure of fresh concrete\\
 +Lateral loads\\
 +Other loads\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:form_design|FORM DESIGN]]\\
 +Basic Simplifications\\
 +Beam formulas\\
 +Design criteria\\
 +Bearing examples\\
 +Wall, slab and beam form design\\
 +Form accessories\\
 +Column form design\\
 +Shoring and scaffolding\\
 +Bracing for lateral loads\\
 +Camber and adjustment for settlement\\
 +==== OF ====
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:design_tables|DESIGN TABLES]]\\
 +Joists, studs, beams\\
 +Double members\\ 
 +Wood shores\\
 +Form design Using the Tables\\
 +Design tables\\
 +  * [[fabwiki:formwork_guide:design_tables:formwork_drawings|FORMWORK DRAWINGS]]\\
 +  - General layout and detail drawings\\
 +  - Check list of details\\
 +  - Recheck of structural drawings\\
 +  - Drawing approval\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:building_erecting|BUILDING AND ERECTING THE FORMWORK]]\\
 +Carpentry Shop and Job Mill\\
 +Slab on grade and paving work\\
 +Wall forms\\
 +Column forms\\
 +Beam or girder forms\\
 +Slab forms\\
 +Shoring and Scaffolding\\
 +  * [[fabwiki:formwork_guide:building_erecting:bridge_formwork|BRIDGE FORMWORK]]\\
 +  - Foundations\\
 +  - Piers\\
 +  - Pier caps and tie struts\\
 +  - Superstructures\\
 +  - Arch bridges\\
 +  - Segmental box girder bridge construction\\
 +  - Making precast bridge segments\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:using_forms|USING THE FORMS]]\\
 +Placing reinforcement and inserts\\
 +Preparation for concreting\\
 +Inspection and form watching\\
 +Placing and vibrating-effect on formwork\\
 +Removal of forms and shores\\
 +Care and storage of forms and accessories\\
 +Cold weather protection\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:formwork_for_architectural_concrete|FORMWORK FOR ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE]]\\
 +Specifications: Defining quality\\
 +Architectural formwork design\\
 +Exposed concrete surfaces\\
 +Construction of architectural forms\\
 +Cleanup and repair\\
 +==== CONTENTS ====
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:shells_domes_plates|SHELLS, DOMES, FOLDED PLATES]]\\
 +Shell form design considerations\\
 +Building the forms\\
 +Placing concrete\\
 +Form removal\\
 +Inflated forming methods\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:mass_concrete|MASS CONCRETE]]\\
 +Low lift formwork\\
 +Handling, erecting, stripping\\
 +Non-cantilevered formwork\\
 +Roller-compacted mass concrete\\
 +Foundations or starting lifts\\
 +Curing, joint cleanup, insulation\\
 +Planning and supervision\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:tunnel_forming|TUNNEL FORMING AND SHAFTS]]\\
 +Tunnel forming components\\
 +Concrete placement methods\\
 +General design considerations\\
 +Form construction\\
 +Stripping time\\
 +[[fabwiki:formwork_guide:special_techniques|SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION]]\\
 +Slipform construction\\
 +Horizontal slipforms\\
 +Traveling forms\\
 +Tilt-up construction\\
 +Lift method of construction\\
 +Preplaced aggregate concrete\\
 +Tremie concrete\\
 +  * [[fabwiki:formwork_guide:special_techniques:precast_concrete|PRECAST CONCRETE]]\\
 +  - Advantages of precasting\\
 +  - Formwork\\
 +  - Stripping\\
 +  - Erection and joints\\
 +  * [[fabwiki:formwork_guide:special_techniques::prestressed_precast_concrete|PRESTRESSED PRECAST CONCRETE]]\\
 +  - Forms for post-tensioning\\
 +  - Forms for pre-tensioning\\
 +Guide to Formwork for Concrete, ACI 347-04\\
 +ACI 318-02 Code and Commentary-Chapter 6, Formwork,\\
 +Embedded Pipes, and Construction Joints\\
 +OSHA Regulations, Subpart Q-Concrete and Masonry Construction\\
 +Metric Conversion Factors\\
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