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fabwiki:projects:architectural:architectural_projects [2023/10/19 14:47] – [Sandy Lawton] rpschmitzfabwiki:projects:architectural:architectural_projects [2023/10/19 14:50] (current) – [External Links] rpschmitz
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-<fs medium>Sandy Lawton, a Vermont Design/Builder has also used geotextiles to form the columns, walls and floors for a nontraditional “treehouse” which was completed in 2007 as an addition to the Chuck and Wendy Black residence.  See the Picasa website [[http://picasaweb.google.com/arrodesign]] for construction and completed project photos of this truly unique application using fabric formwork. (Photo credits: Sandy Lawton)</fs>+<fs medium>Sandy Lawton, a Vermont Design/Builder has also used geotextiles to form the columns, walls and floors for a nontraditional “treehouse” which was completed in 2007 as an addition to the Chuck and Wendy Black residence.  See the Picasa website (//needs updating//) for construction and completed project photos of this truly unique application using fabric formwork. (Photo credits: Sandy Lawton)</fs>
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 <fs medium>[[http://storiesofhouses.blogspot.com/2006/05/house-in-la-moraleja-madrid-by-miguel.html|Miguel Fisac]]</fs>\\  <fs medium>[[http://storiesofhouses.blogspot.com/2006/05/house-in-la-moraleja-madrid-by-miguel.html|Miguel Fisac]]</fs>\\ 
-<fs medium>[[http://picasaweb.google.com/arrodesign|Arrodesign]]</fs>+
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