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fabwiki:research:canada:delijani:appendix_e [2018/05/08 18:23] – external edit [2023/10/15 15:31] (current) – [Appendix E: All Columns Test Result Curves] rpschmitz
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 ====== Appendix E: All Columns Test Result Curves ======  ====== Appendix E: All Columns Test Result Curves ====== 
-<align justify><fs medium>Following graphs provide the results obtained from DAQ in each column test session. Figures E1 to E6 show the load versus strain curves for all columns at all available sensor attached to the specimen.</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>Following graphs provide the results obtained from DAQ in each column test session. Figures E1 to E6 show the load versus strain curves for all columns at all available sensor attached to the specimen.</fs> 
 {{gallery> fabwiki:research:canada:delijani:fig_e1-e6?300x200&3&showtitle&lightbox }} {{gallery> fabwiki:research:canada:delijani:fig_e1-e6?300x200&3&showtitle&lightbox }}
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 <fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs> <fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs>
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