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fabwiki:research:canada:delijani:symbols [2013/04/19 14:49] rpschmitzfabwiki:research:canada:delijani:symbols [2023/10/19 15:16] (current) – [List of Symbols] rpschmitz
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 +**<fs large>[[fabwiki:research:canada:delijani|BACK TO MAIN TOC]]</fs>**
 +====== List of Symbols ====== 
 +<fs medium>//The following symbols are used in this thesis://</fs>\\
 +<fs medium>//a........Area of the affected concrete in fabric formed concrete specimens\\
 +A.......Total area of the concrete in fabric formed concrete specimens\\
 +A<sub>g</sub>......Gross cross-sectional area of concrete\\
 +A<sub>st</sub>.....Total area of longitudinal column reinforcement\\
 +FAC....Flyash concrete\\
 +f’<sub>c</sub>.......Specified compressive strength of concrete\\
 +f<sub>y</sub>.......Specified yield strength of steel reinforcement\\
 +k.......Effective length factor for compression members\\
 +l<sub>u</sub>......Unsupported column length\\
 +M......Moment at the end of the column (chapter 3)\\
 +NC....Normal concrete\\
 +P<sub>f</sub>......Factored axial load\\
 +P<sub>ro</sub>.....Factored axial load resistance of a reinforced concrete column\\
 +r.......Radius of gyration for the column cross-section\\
 +R......Rebound Value\\
 +s......Center-to-centre spacing of ties\\
 +V......Volume of the concrete (chapter 3)\\
 +x......Length of the mechanical press lever’s handle (chapter 3)\\
 +a<sub>1</sub>.....Ratio of average stress in rectangular compression block to specified strength (CSA A23.3 Cl.10.1.7)\\
 +ß<sub>1</sub>.....Ratio of depth of compression block to depth of neutral axis (CSA A23.3 Cl.10.1.7)\\
 +ρ<sub>c</sub>.....Density of concrete\\
 +ρ<sub>t</sub>.....Longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio (column)\\
 +φ<sub>c</sub>.....Resistance factor for concrete (CSA A23.3 Cl.8.4.2)\\
 +φ<sub>s</sub>.....Resistance factor for steel reinforcement//</fs>\\
 +===== Additional References =====
 +<fs medium>[1] Breteler, Mark Klein, and Pilarczyk, Krystian W. //Dikes and Revetments.// Delft: A.A. Balkema, 1998.\\ 
 +[2] Brzev, Svetlana, and Pao, John. //Reinforced Concrete Design: A Practical Approach.// Toronto: Pearson Education, 2006.\\
 +[3] Bungey, J. H., and Millard, S. G. //Testing of Concrete in Structures.// Glasgow: Blackie Academic & Professional, 1996.\\
 +[4] Cannon, E. W., and Boyes, R. G. H. "Permeable Woven Fabric Formwork." //Civil Engineering,// 1987: 29-33.\\
 +[5] Gettu, Ravindra, Bazant, Zdenek P., and Karr, Martha E. "Fracture Properties and Brittleness of High-Strength Concrete." //ACI Materials Journal,// 1990: 608-618.\\
 +[6] Ibell, Tim, Darby, Antony, and Denton, Steve. "Fabric Formwork for Innovative Concrete Structures." //FRPRCS-9.// Sydney, Australia, 2009.\\
 +[7] MacGregor, James G., and Bartlett, F. Michael. Reinforced Concrete: //Mechanics and Design.// Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 2000.\\
 +[8] Shmantsar, R. N., Kuznetsova, T. A., and Petrova, L. A. "Investigation of Concrete in Absorbing Formwork." //Power Technology and Engineering,// 2005: 665-668.\\
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