FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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fabwiki:research:netherlands:netherlands_research [2018/05/08 18:23] – external edit [2023/10/18 16:34] (current) – [External Links] rpschmitz
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 ===== Eindhoven University of Technology ===== ===== Eindhoven University of Technology =====
-<align justify><fs medium>Arno Pronk an assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology is a leader in the many ways a flexible fabric formwork may be used to enclose a space.  Explore his website below for an inspiring view of his work.</fs></align>\\+### 
 +<fs medium>Arno Pronk an assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology is a leader in the many ways a flexible fabric formwork may be used to enclose a space.  Explore his website below for an inspiring view of his work.</fs> 
-<align center>{{url>http://www.arnopronk.com[900px,800px] Home Page - Arno Pronk}}</align>+;#; 
 +{{url>https://www.tue.nl/en/research/researchers/arno-pronk|Home Page - Arno Pronk}} 
 +{{url>http://www.structural-ice.com/|Structural Ice - Arno Pronk}} 
 +<fs medium>See also his work on YouTube, search for "pr structuralice".</fs> 
 ===== Selected Papers - Arno Pronk ===== ===== Selected Papers - Arno Pronk =====
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 <fs medium>{{:netherlands:eindhoven:natures_experience_for_building_technology.pdf|Nature’s Experiences for Building Technology}}</fs>\\ <fs medium>{{:netherlands:eindhoven:natures_experience_for_building_technology.pdf|Nature’s Experiences for Building Technology}}</fs>\\
 <fs medium>{{:netherlands:eindhoven:free_formed_concrete_elements_flexible_mould.pdf|The Production Of Free Formed Concrete Elements In A Flexible Mould}}</fs> <fs medium>{{:netherlands:eindhoven:free_formed_concrete_elements_flexible_mould.pdf|The Production Of Free Formed Concrete Elements In A Flexible Mould}}</fs>
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 ===== Thesis - Rob Verhaegh ===== ===== Thesis - Rob Verhaegh =====
-<align justify><fs medium>An interesting Masters thesis by Rob Verhaegh entitled FREE FORMS IN CONCRETE - //The fabrication of free-form concrete segments using fabric formwork// was completed in August 2010.  His thesis may be found {{:netherlands:eindhoven:free_formed_concrete_verhaegh_thesis.pdf|here}}.</fs></align+### 
 +<fs medium>An interesting Masters thesis by Rob Verhaegh entitled FREE FORMS IN CONCRETE - //The fabrication of free-form concrete segments using fabric formwork// was completed in August 2010.  His thesis may be found {{:netherlands:eindhoven:free_formed_concrete_verhaegh_thesis.pdf|here}}.</fs> 
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 ===== Delft University of Technology ===== ===== Delft University of Technology =====
-<align justify><fs medium>PhD candidate Diederik Veenendaal did his Masters thesis on the //Evolutionary Optimization of Fabric Formed Structural Elements// His thesis may be found {{:netherlands:delft:evolutionary_optimization_fabric_formed_structural_elements.pdf|here}}.  Diederick is currently pursuing his PhD at ETH Zürich.  You can follow his progress by visiting his website [[http://fabricformwork.wordpress.com/|Fabric Formwork]].</fs></align+### 
 +<fs medium>PhD candidate Diederik Veenendaal did his Masters thesis on the //Evolutionary Optimization of Fabric Formed Structural Elements// His thesis may be found {{:netherlands:delft:evolutionary_optimization_fabric_formed_structural_elements.pdf|here}}.  Diederick is currently pursuing his PhD at ETH Zürich.  You can follow his progress by visiting his website [[http://fabricformwork.wordpress.com/|Fabric Formwork]].</fs> 
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 ===== External Links ===== ===== External Links =====
-<fs medium>[[http://w3.bwk.tue.nl/en/|University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands]]</fs>\\  + 
-<fs medium>[[http://www.arnopronk.com/|Arno Pronk]]</fs>+<fs medium>[[https://www.tue.nl/en/|University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands]]</fs>\\  
 +<fs medium>[[https://www.tue.nl/en/research/research-groups/structural-engineering-and-design/innovative-structural-design|Innovative-Structural-Design ]]</fs>\\
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