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fabwiki:research:scotland:scotland_research [2018/05/08 18:23] – external edit [2023/10/19 11:31] (current) – [External Links] rpschmitz
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 ====== Scotland Research Efforts ====== ====== Scotland Research Efforts ======
-<align justify><fs medium>Engineer, professor and author Remo Pedreschi directs The University of Edinburgh School of Architecture's research efforts.  A work on //fabric formwork// was coauthored by Professor Pedreschi and Alan Chandler, a practicing architect and professor who currently leads the Technical and Professional Studies in the Architecture program at the University of East London [1].</fs></align>+### 
 +<fs medium>Engineer, professor and author Remo Pedreschi directs The University of Edinburgh School of Architecture's research efforts.  A work on //fabric formwork// was coauthored by Professor Pedreschi and Alan Chandler, a practicing architect and professor who currently leads the Technical and Professional Studies in the Architecture program at the University of East London [1].</fs> 
 ===== Edinburgh School of Architecture Photos ===== ===== Edinburgh School of Architecture Photos =====
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 ===== Fabric Formed Concrete - Edinburgh College of Art ===== ===== Fabric Formed Concrete - Edinburgh College of Art =====
-<align justify><fs medium>Current work at the Edinburgh School of Architecture may be viewed in the window below.</fs></align> 
-<align center>{{url>http://sites.ace.ed.ac.uk/fabricformedconcrete/ [1000px,800px] Fabric Formed Concrete Home Page}}</align>+### 
 +<fs medium>Current work at the Edinburgh School of Architecture may be viewed in the window below.</fs> 
 +<fs medium>[[https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/projects/surface-texture-and-light|Surface, Texture and Light]]</fs>\\
 ===== References ===== ===== References =====
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 ===== External Links ===== ===== External Links =====
-<fs medium>[[http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/edinburgh-college-art|The University of Edinburgh - College of Art]]</fs>\\ +<fs medium>[[https://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/edinburgh-college-art|The University of Edinburgh - College of Art]]</fs>\\ 
-<fs medium>[[http://sites.ace.ed.ac.uk/fabricformedconcrete/|Fabric Formwork - College of Art]]</fs>\\ +<fs medium>[[https://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/research/rethinking-concrete-formwork|Fabric Formwork - College of Art]]</fs>\\ 
-<fs medium>[[http://www.uel.ac.uk/ace/staff/alanchandler/|Alan Chandler - University of East London]]</fs>\\+<fs medium>[[https://uel.ac.uk/about/our-schools/school-architecture-computing-engineering 
 +|School of Architecture - University of East London]]</fs>\\
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