FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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welcome [2023/10/18 16:22] – [Introduction] rpschmitzwelcome [2023/11/17 15:07] (current) rpschmitz
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-<fs medium>Foundations, continuous and spread footings and piers (or columns), have also benefitted by the use of flexible fabric systems.  Since 1993 Richard Fearn, owner and founder of [[fabwiki:research:formwork_applications|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]], has developed and marketed several fabric forming products including; Fastfoot® for continuous and spread footings; Fastbag® for spread footings and Fast TubeTM for piers and columns.</fs>+<fs medium>Foundations, continuous and spread footings and piers (or columns), have also benefitted by the use of flexible fabric systems.  Since 1993 Richard Fearn, owner and founder of [[fabwiki:research:formwork_applications|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]], has developed and marketed several fabric forming products including; Fastfoot® for continuous and spread footings; Fastbag® for spread footings and Fast Tube (TM) for piers and columns.</fs>
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 <fs medium>Countries with schools of architecture and engineering with students conducting research include the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Mexico, Chile, Belgium and the Netherlands.  Some of the most prolific research currently being conducted is under the direction of Professor Mark West, Director of the [[fabwiki:research:research_efforts|Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.)]] at the University of Manitoba, Canada.  Professor West, an artist, educator and builder has invented a series of techniques for constructing fabric-formed walls, beams, columns, slabs and panels.  In the following pages we will examine those structural forms, their applications and the engineering behind them in more detail and we invite you to contribute to **//"the knowledge base"//**.</fs> <fs medium>Countries with schools of architecture and engineering with students conducting research include the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Mexico, Chile, Belgium and the Netherlands.  Some of the most prolific research currently being conducted is under the direction of Professor Mark West, Director of the [[fabwiki:research:research_efforts|Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.)]] at the University of Manitoba, Canada.  Professor West, an artist, educator and builder has invented a series of techniques for constructing fabric-formed walls, beams, columns, slabs and panels.  In the following pages we will examine those structural forms, their applications and the engineering behind them in more detail and we invite you to contribute to **//"the knowledge base"//**.</fs>
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 ===== References ===== ===== References =====
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 <fs medium>[1] Pildysh, M. and Wilson, K., (September 1983), “Cooling ponds lined with fabric-formed concrete”, //Concrete International//, September 1983, pp 32-35.\\  <fs medium>[1] Pildysh, M. and Wilson, K., (September 1983), “Cooling ponds lined with fabric-formed concrete”, //Concrete International//, September 1983, pp 32-35.\\ 
 [2] Lamberton, B.A., (December 1989), “Fabric Forms for Concrete”, //Concrete International//, December 1989, pp 58-67.</fs> [2] Lamberton, B.A., (December 1989), “Fabric Forms for Concrete”, //Concrete International//, December 1989, pp 58-67.</fs>
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 <fs medium>[[http://www.fab-form.com/|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]]</fs>\\  <fs medium>[[http://www.fab-form.com/|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]]</fs>\\ 
 <fs medium>[[http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building/|The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.)]]</fs> <fs medium>[[http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building/|The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.)]]</fs>
 ===== Guidelines ===== ===== Guidelines =====
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 <fs medium>Have a suggestion on how we might improve this wiki or the content we might add to it?  Please add it to the [[suggestion_box|Suggestion Box]].</fs> <fs medium>Have a suggestion on how we might improve this wiki or the content we might add to it?  Please add it to the [[suggestion_box|Suggestion Box]].</fs>
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