FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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welcome [2023/10/18 16:23] – [History and Background] rpschmitzwelcome [2023/11/17 15:07] (current) rpschmitz
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-<fs medium>Foundations, continuous and spread footings and piers (or columns), have also benefitted by the use of flexible fabric systems.  Since 1993 Richard Fearn, owner and founder of [[fabwiki:research:formwork_applications|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]], has developed and marketed several fabric forming products including; Fastfoot® for continuous and spread footings; Fastbag® for spread footings and Fast TubeTM for piers and columns.</fs>+<fs medium>Foundations, continuous and spread footings and piers (or columns), have also benefitted by the use of flexible fabric systems.  Since 1993 Richard Fearn, owner and founder of [[fabwiki:research:formwork_applications|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]], has developed and marketed several fabric forming products including; Fastfoot® for continuous and spread footings; Fastbag® for spread footings and Fast Tube (TM) for piers and columns.</fs>
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 <fs medium>[1] Pildysh, M. and Wilson, K., (September 1983), “Cooling ponds lined with fabric-formed concrete”, //Concrete International//, September 1983, pp 32-35.\\  <fs medium>[1] Pildysh, M. and Wilson, K., (September 1983), “Cooling ponds lined with fabric-formed concrete”, //Concrete International//, September 1983, pp 32-35.\\ 
 [2] Lamberton, B.A., (December 1989), “Fabric Forms for Concrete”, //Concrete International//, December 1989, pp 58-67.</fs> [2] Lamberton, B.A., (December 1989), “Fabric Forms for Concrete”, //Concrete International//, December 1989, pp 58-67.</fs>
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 <fs medium>[[http://www.fab-form.com/|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]]</fs>\\  <fs medium>[[http://www.fab-form.com/|Fab-Form Industries, Ltd.]]</fs>\\ 
 <fs medium>[[http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building/|The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.)]]</fs> <fs medium>[[http://www.umanitoba.ca/cast_building/|The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.)]]</fs>
 ===== Guidelines ===== ===== Guidelines =====
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 <fs medium>Have a suggestion on how we might improve this wiki or the content we might add to it?  Please add it to the [[suggestion_box|Suggestion Box]].</fs> <fs medium>Have a suggestion on how we might improve this wiki or the content we might add to it?  Please add it to the [[suggestion_box|Suggestion Box]].</fs>
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