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wiki:ebook_help [2010/10/05 17:11] rpschmitzwiki:ebook_help [2018/05/08 18:23] (current) – external edit
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 +====== ebook help ======
 +===== Description =====
 +<fs medium>The **bookcreator** plugin will allow you to create and export selected pages from this wiki to a little book PDF document.</fs>\\ 
 +<fs medium>Pages selected for inclusion into your **ebook** PDF document will be stored and their titles shown on the [[wiki:ebook|ebook]] page.  Simply select "//Add this page to your book//" in the **Book creator** toolbar at the top of the page.  To show or modify the pages selected for your **ebook** select "//Show, modify book//" from the toolbar.</fs>\\ 
 +<fs medium>With **Book creator** you can:\\ 
 +  * Reset all selection\\ 
 +  * Exclude a page from the list\\ 
 +  * View the excluded pages and "include" them back\\ 
 +  * Create the PDF book of the selected pages\\ 
 +  * Create a printable version of selected pages\\ 
 +  * Extract only text of selected pages\\ 
 +  * Drag and drop to change exporting order of pages\\ 
 +  * Set a title for the PDF document</fs>\\ 
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