Arno Pronk an assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology is a leader in the many ways a flexible fabric formwork may be used to enclose a space. Explore his website below for an inspiring view of his work.
See also his work on YouTube, search for “pr structuralice”.
A Faesable Way To Make Freeform Shell Structures.
Making Blobs With A Textile Mould
Nature’s Experiences for Building Technology
The Production Of Free Formed Concrete Elements In A Flexible Mould
An interesting Masters thesis by Rob Verhaegh entitled FREE FORMS IN CONCRETE - The fabrication of free-form concrete segments using fabric formwork was completed in August 2010. His thesis may be found here.
PhD candidate Diederik Veenendaal did his Masters thesis on the Evolutionary Optimization of Fabric Formed Structural Elements. His thesis may be found here. Diederick is currently pursuing his PhD at ETH Zürich. You can follow his progress by visiting his website Fabric Formwork.