FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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fabwiki:research:canada:canada_research [2023/10/15 12:12] – [Canada Research Efforts] rpschmitzfabwiki:research:canada:canada_research [2023/10/15 12:12] (current) – [University of Manitoba Theses] rpschmitz
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 === The Evaluation of Changes in Concrete Properties Due to Fabric Formwork By Farhoud Delijani === === The Evaluation of Changes in Concrete Properties Due to Fabric Formwork By Farhoud Delijani ===
-<align justify><fs medium>This 2010 research study by Farhoud Delijani was conducted to investigate and document the changes in concrete strength and overall quality due to use of commercially available woven polyolefin fabrics.  Excerpts from his research may be found **[[fabwiki:research:canada:delijani|here]]** and his complete paper **{{:fabwiki:research:canada:farhoud_delijani.pdf|here}}**.</fs></align+### 
 +<fs medium>This 2010 research study by Farhoud Delijani was conducted to investigate and document the changes in concrete strength and overall quality due to use of commercially available woven polyolefin fabrics.  Excerpts from his research may be found **[[fabwiki:research:canada:delijani|here]]** and his complete paper **{{:fabwiki:research:canada:farhoud_delijani.pdf|here}}**.</fs> 
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