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fabwiki:research:chile:chile_research [2023/10/15 15:35] rpschmitzfabwiki:research:chile:chile_research [2023/10/15 15:36] (current) – [Ciudad Abierta - THE 'OPEN CITY'] rpschmitz
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-<fs medium>For nearly a decade now a strong relationship has existed between the SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile and C.A.S.T. at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Through the collaborative efforts of Mark West, C.A.S.T., and architects David Jolly and Miguel Eyquem, Open City fabric-formed concrete structures have had stunning impact to the Open City campus.  See the selected papers below for more information. Take the link below to the Open City website if the window below does not translate to your language.</fs>+<fs medium>For nearly a decade now a strong relationship has existed between the SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile and C.A.S.T. at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Through the collaborative efforts of Mark West, C.A.S.T., and architects David Jolly and Miguel Eyquem, Open City fabric-formed concrete structures have had stunning impact to the Open City campus. See the selected papers below for more information. Take the link below to the Open City website if the window below does not translate to your language. (Note: clicking on this link will result in leaving this page unless you open it in another tab or window.)</fs>
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 <fs medium>{{http://www.amereida.cl/Ciudad_Abierta | 'Open City'(Select Obras from Menu)}}</fs> <fs medium>{{http://www.amereida.cl/Ciudad_Abierta | 'Open City'(Select Obras from Menu)}}</fs>
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