FabWiki: A Site Dedicated to Fabric-Formed Concrete


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fabwiki:workshops:yestermorrow [2018/05/08 18:23] – external edit [2023/10/19 16:27] (current) – [2009 Fabric Formed Concrete Course] rpschmitz
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 ====== 2009 Fabric Formed Concrete Course ====== ====== 2009 Fabric Formed Concrete Course ======
-<fs medium>This workshop was co-sponsored by  Yestermorrow Design/Build School  and  The School of Architecture & Art  at Norwich University,  Waitsfield, VT.</fs>+<fs medium>This workshop was co-sponsored by Yestermorrow Design/Build School and The School of Architecture & Art at Norwich University, Waitsfield, VT.</fs>
 ===== Workshop Photos ===== ===== Workshop Photos =====
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